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Many people cannot envision how a "Leaderless" organization can be large and successful without central control. The mind rebels at the thought of not having a leader because we have been conditioned to think of ourselves a "just a cog in the machine".

We never consider that the cogs ARE the machine. If the "cogs" take it on themselves to mesh differently, the old machine fails and a new one emerges. That kind of analogy will just draw derision from the "company man" and the"party hack" because, in their mind, the "cogs" just can't up and decide to mesh differently.

Corrupt demagogues promote class warfare in America for their own benefit. Divisions between various classes of "We, the People" based on age, race, political ideology, religion, gender and economics have never been deeper or more hostile. The demagogues divide, then conquer and exploit. Only the elite 1% benefits. For everyone else, society crumbles into poverty and conflict.

The unifying ideal of all people being equal under the law fails when the rule of law fails. Then the demagogues rule arbitrarily for the sole benefit of their "tribe".

Distinguishing between friend and foe becomes vital as hostility intensifies. Until that distinction is consciously made, it is impossible to act in our own best self interest. We unwittingly strengthen our enemies by failing to clearly identify them as we weaken our friends by refusing to claim them as "Us".

Brandon Smith at recently wrote an excellent article about the "... strange and terrible tragedy when a culture forgets its own history and identity...", likening it to "...a mental disorder of the highest caliber. It is an insanity that leads to terrifying catastrophe."

"We have forgotten the face of our fathers" is how Stephen King put it in his Dark Tower series as the Gunslinger surveyed the wreckage of a once great society.

Both suggest that to forget the past is to doom the future. Without a proud heritage to build upon, each generation must begin anew the long journey from animal savagery to civilization. Yet our public schools ignore and ridicule our American heritage. Children know Thomas Jefferson owned slaves but are completely ignorant of the Declaration of Independence and Constitution. That is a deliberate tragedy, if not outright insanity.

Our nation is in deep trouble. That means that every state, county, city and individual is in deep trouble. When America fails to follow the Moral, Political and Business principles that are soundly grounded in reality and tested true for over 200 years, then every American suffers. That suffering is just beginning to be realized at the root.

People are afraid about the future for themselves and their loved ones. Fear manifests itself as anger and irrational belligerence which makes the problem even larger and more dangerous. The net result is that civilized society may break down into anarchy and chaos. That is the cycle of history. When that happens, individuals must rely on themselves and their immediate neighbors to survive. Living becomes personal and local.

Our first reaction to the assertion that the global financial system is increasingly unstable and likely to fail is either: 1) denial, or 2) panic. Neither is an appropriate response.

Let me assure you that the sun will come up in the morning and you will be called once again to do the best you can with what you have. That won't change. The sky is not falling. Panic is not an appropriate course of action. Denying that anything will change is just closing our mind prior to investigation – a sure recipe for everlasting ignorance and failure.

Things you might not know that may or may not matter.

Personal stories and pictures of social collapse in the United States of America, Argentina, Russia, and  Chile.

The Who, What and Why of Sense & Nonsense

Real- time account from a typical Greek citizen as Greece collapsed during 2011 and 2012.

Sense and Nonsense Is dedicated to providing the information, ideas and interaction necessary to build a community of people who can be trusted and who trust each other.