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There are three reasons many citizens oppose the City of Brady's facilitation of an ATV Park on city property at Brady Lake. The first is on principle, the second is for business reasons and the third is because it is offensive and damaging to citizens living nearby. We will look at each of these sources of opposition in reverse order.

ATV Park Under Construction
ATV Park Under Construction

Those who live near the proposed ATV park do not want 4-wheelers running day and night near their homes any more than people who live in town want them blasting through the alleys, streets, vacant lots, parks and school grounds. In fact, the City of Brady prohibits their operation unless they are fully licensed for on-road operation. Citizens near the proposed park are offended that their lifestyle and property values are not being considered by the Brady City Council. They are justifiably indignant and angry.


The business plan, legal documents, regulatory approval procedures, accounting, insurance and financial stability of the developer are ambiguous enough to raise doubt about the City's business practices and acumen. Also, the relationship between City Officials and the ATV Park developer leave many serious questions unanswered. Retired businessman Bill Neslage, a local resident, has publicized these concerns in a series of paid ads in the Brady Standard-Herald and on KNEL radio.


Others oppose the project because it uses tax revenues to finance a private business enterprise. They believe that government should not finance selected business ventures. In principle, government should restrict its activities to providing public services that allow private businesses to prosper or fail on their own merits.

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